Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Whole 30: Day One

I get why people choose the first of January to start these self-improvement projects.  A New Year. A fresh start. Symbolism. I'm eating it up. However, I feel very confident when saying it has to also be the day with the highest hangovers per capita. Which is exactly where I found myself this morning. WHY DID IT HAVE TO COME TO THIS!?

Anyway, no more beer. No more whiskey. No more bubbly. As of today, I'm starting the Whole 30 challenge with my wife and, as an enterprising young man, I will be eating much healthier. Like vegetables. Fruits. Meats. Good stuffffffffffff.

Follow Your Dreams

Well thank you, sloth! You're an odd spirit animal for someone who's trying to get more active, but I can't resist the irony.

In all seriousness, I am 100% invested in doing the Whole 30 challenge. My wife and I have been doing the research, cleaning out the bad foods from our pantry, and mentally prepping for this day for some time now. If Whole 30 is all it's cracked up to be, we want this be our lifestyle from here on out. From here until the end of Whole 30 (and maybe beyond?), I will periodically be posting about my experience and what we've been eating.

Here's what I had on Day 1:

Steak (I use this method, except with olive oil. Salt, pepper, olive oil. Easy day)

Baby Carrots

Lemon pepper chicken with avocado slices

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