Friday, January 17, 2014

Whole 30: How to Get Over Food Poisoning on Whole30

So I've been sick since Saturday night. It's flu season, I had a killer headache and the poooooops, and since I skipped the flu shot, I figured I was getting my comeuppance. But after missing 4 straight days of work, losing 10 pounds, and not being able to mentally stop myself from bathroom trips, enough was enough. 

I called the doctor's office, told 'em "I can't stop pooping", and that I thought it was probably the flu. When I got there, the doctor asked me what my symptoms were and I said I started feeling sick Saturday night with a headache and diarrhea and I haven't gotten any better since then. She asked me a few more questions which basically ruled out the flu (no aches, no fever, no coughing), and then asked me what I had for dinner the night before I got sick. I told her: raw oysters.

She just smiled and thaaaaaat's when I started to feel really dumb. Of course I knew what it was then: food poisoning. Typically, it takes 24 hours for the effects of food poisoning to start ravaging you and others who had the same food don't need to also be sick to rule it out.

For treatment she recommended not taking any more Imodium (because you need to get everything "flushed" from your body) and going on the B.R.A.T. diet until I felt better. B.R.A.T. stands for Bananas, Rice, Applesauce, and  Toast. I told her I couldn't have grains because of this special diet I'm on to which she scoffed! She even implied that my diet may have lowered my immunity and got me sick. Anyway, she said just eat a lot of applesauce and bananas if I wasn't willing to change my diet. So to stay true to Whole 30, here's what I started eating exclusively:

Imagine Organic Free Range Chicken Broth: Just heat it up on the stove, pour it in a mug, and go to town. 
Enlightened Synergy Gingerberry Kombucha: This is the first time I've had this stuff, and it is weird tasting. It's also chock full of probiotics and minerals. Might be that it's a miracle drink. 
Santa Cruz Organic Apple Sauce: Apple sauce always goes down smooth. 
Bananas & Apples

What I didn't eat was anything with fiber in it (veggies) and meat (because it's hard to break down). 

And it worked!

... and thank God it did. I was literally going to jump off of Whole 30 today (on Day 17 nonetheless) if I didn't see immediate improvement. I hope that if anyone is suffering from a week long bout of food poisoning, they have the same success by eating the foods I mentioned. You can definitely fight off food poisoning and remain on Whole 30!


  1. Thanks for the info! I am just getting over food poisoning and wanted to use the whole 30 as a jumping off point to reset my stomach but didn’t know which foods to start with. I will try the bone broth. I had oatmeal today and now going to start the plan this week.
